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Integrated Loads

Vorticity induced lift, drag, and downwash can be calculated via:

wy=14πb/2b/2(1yy0)dΓy0dydy0w_{y}=\frac{1}{4 \pi} \int_{b/2}^{b/2} (\frac{1}{y-y_0}) \frac{-d\Gamma_{y_{0}}}{dy} dy_0 Eq. (1)
Li=b/2b/2ρVΓydyL_{i}=\int_{b/2}^{b/2} \rho_{\infty} V_{\infty} \Gamma_{y} dy Eq. (2)

In the case of Vorticity integrated induced drag the following integration is calculated:

Di=b/2b/2ρVwydyD_{i}=\int_{b/2}^{b/2} \rho_{\infty} V_{\infty} w_{y} dy Eq. (3)

For Pressure based drag, the surface pressures are first calculated from the inviscid vorticity solution and then the combined induced + pressure drag is taken as:

Di,p=S(Pn)dSD_{i,p}=\int_{S}^{} (P \cdot n) dS Eq. (4)